From A to Ƶ  

Posted by Apollo

Waƶƶup, I have strike‐through Ƶs!!  But no strike‐through 7s :-(  I guess I could do that with HTML but I would prefer a Unicode character.  7.  Yeah, not pretty at all.

A Dashing Young Lad  

Posted by Apollo

I just want you to know that there are a lot of dashes and hyphens.  Here they are:
‐   hyphen
⸗   double hyphen (!! look it up)
-   regular hyphen‐minus key
‒   figure dash
–   en‐dash 
−   minus
—   em‐dash
―   horizontal bar
⁓   swung dash (not a tilde ~)

Technically the figure dash should be shorter than the en‐dash, and the horizontal bar longer than the em‐dash. I also want to note that the “regular hyphen‐minus key”—the one typed by your keyboard—is completely useless. That should be obvious once you see that the hyphen is shorter and the minus is longer. If, like me, you want to be able to type all these dashes and customize your keyboard, then I've found a great program for the Mac: Ukelele.  While the Mac is already awesome enough to have Option+hyphen produce an en‐dash and Option+Shift+hyphen produce an em‐dash, it doesn't have a shortcut for a basic hyphen!

So there you have it—my OCDash rant.